First thing I did to understand what BrowserHistory is, I watched the full screencast video. While watching I was going back and forth to read the instructions very carefully which helped me to understand the coding variations. Since I have a zero background in coding, so I wasn’t adapting to all the coding platforms. After watching it for the first time, I took a break to recap and I actually started doing it along with the video with no timer. I went back to the video many times as I wasn’t getting some tags along with the punctuations. On the 2nd try I timed myself and without a doubt I wasn’t within DNF time. WOD Link: file:///Users/shafkat07/Desktop/ITM%20352/ITM-352-Dungeon-/WODs/Browser%20history%201/index.html
On the 3rd try I took a leap to try it by myself with my timer on just to check the depth I have acquired by trying twice previously. In between I got stuck and went back to revise through the video. This time I made sure when I watched a video, I fully understood what my problem was and an idea of the solution. I went over the DNF time like this but finished the WOD in about an hour. Next try I only went back to the video twice but could finish the WOD in 40 minutes and significantly on the 5th try I finished in 30 minutes without any external aid. It took me time and patience to understand the structure and obviously was frustrated with multiple failure.
My suggestion would be to copy and paste the video on the first try to get the basics and then take required steps one after another to fix the previous problems. Timing can be great deal if someone cares about it. At least for the first couple of tries timing won’t matter as learning would be the main focus but with learning the pace will come in as well.