Assignment 04 Checkpoint
11 Dec 2019
Describe the web-application you intend to build (in detail please!) I along with my group intend to build a backend side of a coffee shop. Professor Dan Port handed out three real life projects about a coffee shop, Morning Brew...
Creating Backend
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Reflecting on Assignment 2 Technical Essay
09 Dec 2019
Assignment 2 consisted of attaching a log in page to the existing pages of assignment 1. My website “Shafkat’s Photo Gallery” is about displaying a photo exhibition with some of my best landscape photographs. In order to purchase a photograph...
Learnign to create login capability for users
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Structuring Assignment 1!
19 Oct 2019
Assignment 1 is mainly purposed for basic HTML web page building. I personally enjoyed working on this assignment even though I didn’t figure out what I want to do until the night before of the deadline. My challenges were working...
Assignment 1
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Experiencing the WODs!
06 Oct 2019
First thing I did to understand what BrowserHistory is, I watched the full screencast video. While watching I was going back and forth to read the instructions very carefully which helped me to understand the coding variations. Since I have...
{"E1"=>"UI Basics Technical Essay"}
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Entering Hell I think!
02 Sep 2019
Regardless of the fact that, ITM 352 is the pre-requisite for MIS majors, I chose to take ITM 352 as it teaches the basics of programming. 21st century is the era of technology, and I want to be a part...
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